
How this works:

1. Follow @likover on Twitter
2. When he tweets #jokesondemand, reply with a topic request
3. Check this blog to see if a joke hath been made from said topic request
4. The best ones will be tweeted out to the universe

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Sports blogs are like a-holes: everyone has one and they're all over the internet. RT @korkedbats Sports Blogs #jokesondemand

Ikea is the closest Tiger Woods will ever get to another Swedish model. RT @kimberlysoules Ikea #jokesondemand

I'm naming my first boy Kanye West, so he expects the beats and hits. RT @Riosan2415 Kanye West #jokesondemand

One is for idiots. Strike that--both are for idiots. RT @claymolloy #jokeondemand topics...............the UFC and breast implants.

NASCAR is great for people who love getting exhausted. RT @HireAustinHuff NASCAR #JokesOnDemand

Bieber is a terrible teen cause he's annoyed everyone except his parents. Probably. RT @emilymtierney #jokeondemand Justin bieber

Must be a special lane for drug traffic, cause it's never jammed. RT @JakeAndBake94 Traffic jams #jokesondemand

I support their right to make our gas cheaper. And nothing else. RT @Exactly_SultaN #jokesondemand possible protests in saudi arabia

KKK meetings are like snow plows cause they clear the streets of white shit. RT @pdodson Snow plows #jokesondemand

Isn't death penalty redundant? I don't think it's ever been handed out as a prize. RT @JSheskier #jokesondeman the death penalty

One is mobile. RT @techcredo Android + Steve Jobs #jokesondemand

I take rape seriously. It's why I never laugh when I'm doing it. RT @JSheskier #jokesondeman rape

If he keeps removing predators, there'll be too much prey. It's basic environmental science. RT @ivancorreces Chris Hansen #jokesondemand

"Spic" is a derogatory term that you should never use in front of them. RT @OttisBlades SPICS #jokesondemand

Both will help quiet a shitty little baby. RT @gropingkiwi baby wipes and duct tape. #jokesondemand