
How this works:

1. Follow @likover on Twitter
2. When he tweets #jokesondemand, reply with a topic request
3. Check this blog to see if a joke hath been made from said topic request
4. The best ones will be tweeted out to the universe

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The least successful people screwed by Bernie Madoff. RT @ACEisKING new york mets #jokesondemand

separated at birth, by a drunk nurse. RT @snirtle st. Patty vs st Patrick

If you can resist Swedish women, then that goat is your soul mate. RT @dqdev a young greek couple living in Sweden. #jokesondemand

If you hook up with a sexy Swede, I'm sure your goat would understand. RT @dqdev a young greek couple living in Sweden. #jokesondemand

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Colon Sanders would kick the crap out of Colonel Sanders. RT @cademadison #jokesondemand KFC

Went from a headlining comedian to that dude who married Katy Perry's tits. RT @cademadison #jokesondemand Russell Brand