
How this works:

1. Follow @likover on Twitter
2. When he tweets #jokesondemand, reply with a topic request
3. Check this blog to see if a joke hath been made from said topic request
4. The best ones will be tweeted out to the universe

Saturday, March 26, 2011


You're never alone in Las Vegas, for the right price. RT @RichardWest #jokesondemand alone in Las Vegas

only thing dumber than drinking Smart Water is drinking the knockoff. RT @youtwitface2 Bottled Water #jokesondemand

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Proof that no one in the world can stand David Lee Roth. RT @TIMENewsFeed Sammy Hagar says he was abducted by aliens | http://ti.me/fLYHUo

The moon was the closest it has been to Charlie Sheen in 18 years. RT @mharen super moon #jokesondemand

Nickelback - cautionary tale of a band who tried to make good music but made millions instead. RT @AlessanBroChill bands trying to make it

REMEMBER: When experts recommend breast feeding for 6 months, they mean the first 6 months. RT @RachellAbalos breastfeeding #jokesondemand

Sounds like a job for Lindsay Lohan. RT @TIMENewsFeed Because of the NFL lockout, the Packers can't get their Super Bowl rings