
How this works:

1. Follow @likover on Twitter
2. When he tweets #jokesondemand, reply with a topic request
3. Check this blog to see if a joke hath been made from said topic request
4. The best ones will be tweeted out to the universe

Saturday, March 12, 2011


The apple doesn't die far from the tree. RT @El_Tweeteador #jokesondemand JFK + JFK Jr.

Cultural traditions that reduce sensitivity. RT @El_Tweeteador #jokesondemand Circumcision + Domestic Violence

One loses weight; the other finds it. RT @El_Tweeteador #jokesondemand Oprah + Granola

At his age, Hef's bunions are the only thing swollen below his waist. RT @El_Tweeteador #jokesondemand Hefner + Bunions